The Promotional Merchandise Guide 2025

04 Personalisation Techniques To see our personalisation techniques in more detail, why not view our handy video guides on YouTube. Simply scan the code to visit the site. Video Guides Icon Guide Please note:, logos shown on products throughout the catalogue bearing names and trademarks do not necessarily imply that the owner of the name or trademark has been supplied with the shown product. They are only representative of what could be achieved. ANTIBAC COATING ADDED EMBROIDER ON THIS PRODUCT FULL COLOUR PRINTING ADD INDIVIDUAL NAMES MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIALS HOT FOR 12 COLD FOR 24 HOURS PANTONE© MATCH AVAILABLE BESPOKE SHAPES & DESIGNS FLAG DENOTES COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Personalisation Power The following guides have been designed to explain the processes involved in the personalisation techniques available for our products throughout the catalogue. For further information please call our sales office.